
Are you enthusiastic when you go to work?

About working with passion….

Are you (actively) looking for another way of working, a new job, but most of all a job that (better) fits your competencies, passion or lifestyle? Are you sometimes a bit jealous of people that turn their passion into a job? Do you sometimes think about your lunch break as from the first minute you arrive at work? Do you count down to your weekend?

What do you need to enjoy your work every single day? What can you change in your current job or in your way of thinking in order to get more satisfaction out of your job?

Jacon Legal (Legal Resources Tailored To Your Needs) and coaching provider People Matter(s) join forces in order to help people to (re)discover the passion in their job. We have a broad experience in coaching different legal profiles.

Read more about this on the website of Jacon Legal or check out the nice story of Linsay, who turned her passion into a job.

What is the approach?

A first step is to get a clear view on who you are and what your drivers are, to analyze what provides and what takes your energy. This will prevent you from staying in or taking up a job that doesn’t match your profile and personality.

By looking at your job from another perspective: ‘what do I do, why do I do it and how do I do it?’, you will get some interesting insights in what does or does not fit you. You sometimes only need to change your mindset to be happy again in your current job and at your current employer, the job that you enthusiastically chose a while ago.

Once your analysis and reality check are done, you only need to put your fears aside and take some initiative to work differently. Off course, this is not always so easy as it seems.

Maybe you have cold feet, or a fear of failure or you know what you have right now, but you don’t know what you will get ….. after analysing the risk you might take, dare to follow your heart and go for the job that makes you happy!

How can we help you

Career coaching can help you in all the steps of this process. With the ‘VDAB loopbaancheques’ you only pay 40 (or 80) euros for 4 (or 8) hours of coaching.